Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's On Like Donkey Kong!!!

So here I go.....I am going to lose 10 pounds in 1 month. Wahoo! I am hoping that by posting this I will hold myself a little bit more accountable. Jon is also doing my challenge with me which helps! :) (Love him!) Now I don't have a scale but I am pretty good about guess-timating based on how my clothes fit. I have been wanting to get in better shape for about 6 months now and I can't keep putting it off until "tomorrow". So here I go!!! I do have one thing up my sleeve that is going to make this feat a little easier. My sweet husband has been saving what we used to spend on our gym membership since we cancelled it and got me (us ;)) an elliptical! He knows I have been really down because I am not happy with the weight I have gained over the past 6 or 7 months and is very supportive in me wanting to get it off. So there will definitely have been changes in my diet too, as well as actually exercising. I am limiting my sugar in take to one treat a week (because I am a realistic lady and I know I need one fix a week....yup I am like a sugar addict....bless me, this is going to hard!). And tonight I sat down and wrote out my menu (I haven't done that since probably before I was preggers with Jax....that was so long ago, my babes in 20+ months!). This month should be an adventure and I will just have to find my inner self control because I usually suck at that!!!! Now let me put a disclaimer on this....I know I will totally cheat on the 4th of July because I am a realist! :) But other than that I will stay strong! :) Well good luck to me, I am off to cook chicken for the week!

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