Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tiny Moments: How the Heck?!!?!

Please keep in mind that today's post is super RANDOM but it made me laugh! Today I am driving home from doing errands (Jon graciously played Mr. Mom so I could make a dent in my errand list) and a thought randomly popped in my head while I was on the freeway.....How in the heck did I used to change into my gym clothes while driving from work to meet my sister at the gym. Granted this was before I was married so no garments to under-roos transition, but still how the heck!?!?!!? The idea of the bra alone makes me laugh! And another thought popped into my head, how many people on the freeway have seen a little too much (I know there was never any lady bits nudity but still!)!?!? Ha! Oh well! :) A guess a girl had to do what a girl had to do to make it to the gym on time! :).....How is that for a RANDOM post! 

(Imagine this freeway but during rush hour because that's when I would change into my gym clothes! I was a little bit of a crazy lady back in the day ;) ) 

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