Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tiny Moments - Day 5

"Oh To Be a Mommy and Be Sick"
I knew going in to being a mom there were going to be no sick days. I have had colds and a stomach bugs since I have had Jax and made it through by my teeth on some days. But then today I got food poisoning and I thought I was going to die (PS I AM NOT PREGGERS!! family likes to start know who you are!!)! Thank goodness Jon closed at work so I was able to throw up in peace in the morning while he watched Jax. Then it hit. Jon was about to leave for work and Jax was waking up from his nap. I was laying in bed and looking at the monitor. Even though I was super weak, tired and feeling like crap.....I realized my little guy just needed me no matter what shape I was in. So I rolled out of bed, grabbed my happy boy out of the crib and scraped through my day. Some way, some how Jax knew mom was really sick. He was really sweet to bring his own toys from his playroom to the family room and play by mommy, sometimes whacking her in the face to make sure I was still alive. I know that I will never get sick days and that's's still worth it to be a mom.

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