Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Belly @ 34 to 37 Weeks

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

37 Weeks

Oh how I am starting to feel like a beached whale! I now know why everyone says the last month is torture.......because it is! Also it has been confirmed once again that Heavenly Father is a mastermind. As a first time mom, I am so nervous for my little dude to come and would possibly keep him in there forever if it was comfy. However Heavenly Father makes you so uncomfortable in your last month, you are begging for that baby to come out. Let the begging begin!!!! :)


Jenna said...

You are so freaking cute. And oh my gosh, so close! I'm so excited for you!!!

MaDeb or Deb said...

You are the cutest little pregnant momma ever! I'm so excited to meet this little grandson coming to earth! Can you believe only 14 days left!!! Well, second thought I'm sure you can and counting! Hang in there and I'll see you soon. Love ya!

nikki said...

I'm so excited for you and I totally understand. Yuck! Better you than me. Hope you are feeling ok and can't wait to see a baby Conley!