Wednesday, June 8, 2011

21 Weeks.....The Doc Said What?!

This was such a fun appointment. Jon and I were able to see how big little man has gotten. Sure I feel him kick like crazy but to see him kick his leg over and over again when the doctor is trying to measure his femur, it becomes so real and quite amusing....He definitely already has a mind of his own. He is measuring 2 days ahead on his legs, heads, heart, etc. But he is measuring the biggest around his tummy. Our doctor was teasing us, saying we are going to have a fat baby. At one point we were all laughing so hard he had to stop the ultrasound. Later in the ultrasound I asked Dr. Ollerton if I could get a profile pic. As he tried to get the picture, little man kept turning his head.....such a freakin bugger!!!! But do you see that profile picture, I am in love with that little face. :) We did get one piece of bummer news, I have complete placenta previa. The doctor is pretty sure that as my uterus grows, the placenta will move up because it is mainly concentrated on the right side. Right now I am on pelvic restriction which isn't too bad. We will have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see how the placenta previa has progressed and because our DVD didn't record we get to do another full that part! He will be so much bigger at 28 weeks!

1 comment:

Becca said...

How fun! I love ultrasounds! Sorry to hear about the placenta previa. I hope there aren't too many complications down the road.