Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Benson at 3 Months

So I don't know how it's possible but my love for this little guy has grown and grown this month. He has the sweetest disposition and I adore him beyond what I thought was possible. I also keep trying to figure out why I am mourning him growing up so heavily. It might be because Jaxson growing up has been such a whirlwind and I thought I would get to experience the stages of growth over and over with my other children in addition to Jax. With Benson taking his sweet time coming to earth I have realized that nothing is a given. Children really our such a sacred blessing and being a parent is a responsibility to truly be cherished. So now, I watch and experience Jaxson and Benson growing and yes I still mourn because it is going to quickly. But I also bask in the moments of the growth and enjoy the little people they are becoming. Here is a little bit about Benson from this past month......

He loves having his head rubbed and his face stroked. (I love that his head kind of feels like a tennis's fuzzy :)). He really just enjoys being around his people. He "yells" at Jon and I if we are not giving his adequate attention. It's actually pretty amusing. He also still "sneaks" into our bed around 5 every morning because he knows if he bocks loud enough at me I will pull him in. Other than his 5am, sleepover he is still sleeping in the rock and play next to me and naps in it as well. I usually get a couple 4 hour stretches at night but not much beyond that time frame. 

He just started looking just little his daddy. Seriously, he is a mini Jon with blonde hair. His eyes are still blue but I never put all my eggs in that basket because Jax was little trickster (blue to green at almost age 2). He is also starting to put on rolls, especially on his legs and his cheeks getting chubbier by the day......ahhhhhh I love it! 

He is a strong little mister. He holds his head up like a champ, with his bobble is getting less and less. He also likes to try and climb up your belly with his feet and is putting more and more weight on them. He also tries to roll to his side and it's pretty dang cute! I tried to help him roll over and he was so mad at me, he started crying. Poor little guy :). 

He has the sweetest disposition. He smiles like crazy, coos and has even giggled a little bit here and there. His giggle is the sweetest because its a little coo giggle. 

He does have his moments of grumpy. Mainly riding in the car, a little bit at night and when he gets over stimulated and needs to sleep. Car rides are a little better if he can see Jaxson. Tubby time has gotten so much better, as it used to be a very grumpy time for him. He likes to kick his legs and then gets super surprised by's pretty funny! Getting lotion on has even gotten better for him with usually very little to no tears these days.

He is super chatty and smiley in the morning and at night. I think he likes or maybe loves his one on one time with momma. He also yells at his butterflies on his floor gym and we find it pretty amusing in our house. We tried his bumbo seat and he was NOT a fan. The second time went better than his first so I'm thinking it's going to be more a labor of love with him and that seat. 

When you go to kiss him on the cheek, he reciprocates with a wide open smiles. I love it because its like he's trying to kiss you back. He is also very, very ticklish but holds in those giggles. He's a crack up. 

He is still a spitter with his reflux. We call him the fountain because he pretty much spits up a ton every feeding but the medicine helps with the pain. So no tears or screaming with his spit ups. 

He has decided he is a binky baby. Really he only wants it when he is tired but it has helped him so much with his soothing.  He has also decided he is not a tummy sleeper and gets super mad on his tummy. 

We adore this little guy and are so grateful for his little spirit. We are truly blessed to have him in our home and lives. 

Get ready for a picture overload! Taking pictures of this little guy was way too much fun today! Thankfully my picture taking skills have improved over the years so I could capture this sweet boy in all his happiness. 
Benson at 2 Months1 MonthBirth
Jaxson at 3 Months 

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