Saturday, October 29, 2016

Family Halloween Party 2016

This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Yes this song is playing in my head. I love me some Halloween. This love was engrained in me as a child. My Grandma B (who is no longer with us) put together an amazing haunted house every. A few years my sister Shauna had an awesome idea of continuing the haunted house legacy and we have been building and creating every year since. This year we revamped the scenes (the chop shop, the garden, the fun house, the graveyard, the witches and the zombies) and added a few more (the dark tunnel, dead dinner and the insane asylum). It's a lot of hard work but so fun!!!!! Here is the final product and I hate that the photos don't do it justice and the sun started to go down. Boo! But it was awesome none the less! 
Fun house.....
 Dead dinner.......
Insane Asylum......
Butcher shop......... 

Now onto the party!!!!!! So grateful for all the peeps and love partying the night away with them.....they be the best!
(My little super hero family! Man I like them!) 
A little break to celebrate this sweet girl's birthday! HBD Hails! 
My Halloween make up this year! It was fun to not wear a mask but be a super hero.  
So excited for next year! 

Halloween parties of the past.....2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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