Thursday, March 24, 2016

Benson at 4 Months!

Oh my word! This little boy has an entire family smitten and when I say I say entire family I'm including extended family as well. He has the sweetest little personality and brings such a calming spirit to our home. He is a little bit of a traitor because I'm pretty sure he cooed when I asked if he would stay an itty bitty babes forever and now he is 4 months and trying to do stuff! Here is a little bit about our fav 4 month old mister......
-He has found his hands and fingers and they are his jam. He usually has one inserted in his mouth at all times, well usually it's his whole first. Even if he is breastfeeding, he usually tries to get a hand in there too. He also loves mom's fingers. He likes to grab at them, play with them and shove them in his mouth.
-He is starting to like toys a little more. Sometimes he bats at them, sometimes he yells at them (seriously he gets frustrated if he can't get them into his mouth) and sometimes or whenever he can....they go into his mouth.
-He has super sweet giggles. He loves to giggle back at Jon. He giggles when you snuzzle his neck with kisses. He thinks it's funny when I ask him if he's okay. He giggles when you walk your fingers up his sides to his under arms. Little mister is super ticklish! It truly is the sweetest.
-He has decided tubbies are pretty awesome, especially since kicking your legs produces huge splashes. The best part is, he kicks with his whole body, the arm action is pretty special. It's also pretty awesome that every kick and the subsequent splash, surprises him.....every time! :)
-He is looking just like his handsome dadda with the exception of his blonde hair
-He loves to sit, literally will do crunches to sit up.
-He hates to be on his tummy, awake or asleep. Tummy time is torture at our house. It doesn't help that half of his last meal comes up during tummy time.....poor kiddo.
-He loves being around people and hates being left alone. Being in the car is torture for our little guy. Which usually means Jax and I tortured daily with his screaming......not crying.......screaming!
-He is super smiley! And not just with mom and dad....pretty much smiles at anyone who smiles at him. He also has the sweetest shy smile, where he ducks into my neck after he smiles at's pretty much my favorite!
-He has the clammiest hands and feet (just like Jax did). It doesn't help that he is handsy and they are constantly grabbing and ripping in my hair :o
-He still hates he car. Like hates, hates, hates the car! When I say hate, I mean scream for an hour each way hates the car. He does a little better if you hold his hand and his binky in his mouth which is super fun ;).
-He is super handsy! When he nurses, his hands are all over the place. Sometimes he holds onto my shirt, sometimes he bats at my boob. Sometimes he tries to reach my face and does if I put it next to him. When he's awake, he loves to find things to hold, touch, taste. He is super curious. It's pretty dang adorable.
-He does NOT like a bottle......he knows the "milk cow" is around somewhere.
-He still likes butterfly kisses and I hope he does forever
-He is still a pretty crappy sleeper! Right now I'm lucky if I get more than a 3 hour stretch at night. Naps are rough stuff as well as we live with an elephant (aka Jaxson!). Praying the sleep gets better so I can get sane! Ha! And maybe one day he won't need to be rocked to sleep....,maybe when he's thirty or something! Ha!
-He likes to roll side to side and is getting closer to rolling back front. He hates tummy times so front to back rolling might be a ways off.
-He has a really sweet coo when you change his poopy diapers, not pee, just poop
-He loves his binky when he is sleeping or getting ready to sleep but doesn't seem to care for it when he is fed, happy and awake.
-He has started to make spit bubbles, which always looks amazing with baby lippers and chubby cheeks
-He still has reflux but remains the happiest little guy
-He is getting long lashes (blonde with brown mixed in now)
-He adores being held by family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc) We call him the community share baby
- He loves to watch Jaxson and the TV (so hard to avoid with him being kiddo#2)
-He just found his feet and likes those "far away hands"
-He has the busiest hands and cannot keep them off his binky which usually ends in him pulling out his binky and crying. I try not to laugh but he gets so himself....or whoever took his binky out :). Eventually he falls asleep holding his binky in his mouth, it's pretty sweet :)
-He is getting to the point where I can't look at him when he breast feeds because he loves to smile. Makes my heart smile.
-He makes the best farts.....usually when he coughs, sneezes or stretches. I laugh every time :)
- He has started to like mom's singing and gives me big smiles
Benson has been such a blessing to our family. We are beyond exhausted but we recognize we are soooooooo beyond blessed. He makes the days in our home so happy and the love in our hearts burst. I remember when he received his baby blessing and it talked about his smile lighting up the world. No statement from heaven could be more true! When Bens smiles, my soul smiles and truly delights in the joy he exudes. I thank heaven for him (even when I can barely keep my eyes open at 10am). He, Jax and Jon are my happy place. 

Benson at Birth1 Month2 Months3 Months
Jaxson at 4 Months

***03/29/16 :
4 Months appointment. Little dude is 13 pounds 15 ounces (16 percentile), 25.75 inches (72 percentile) and his head is 41.75 inches (50 percentile). It's crazy how just a few ounces or a quarter of an inch makes such huge difference. If you would have asked me yesterday, I would have said is a chunk.....because he looks like a chunk (little baby boobies, rollie thighs, and chubby cheekers)! Oh well, I will take my long, deceivingly skinny babes any day and his rolls too! :) 

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