Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tiny Moment - Wrong Side of the Bed

Someone might have woken up on the wrong side of bed. I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, cereal or oatmeal. He said cereal, so I got it ready and then he lost his stuff...ughh! Oatmeal somewhat fixed the attitude problem...
Well and extra cuddles with his binks. 
Then the beast returned shortly when I told him he couldn't watch Cars (& yes we do keep the Cars DVD on top of the fridge. We need to find a new hiding place!) nap for him! Mommy only plays the grumpy game for so long! :) 
*thankfully the nap helped and he was a much happier version of himself when he woke up. Thank goodness! 

1 comment:

MaDeb or Deb said...

Awhhhh...He cries like you did as a baby! Miss you all and love you!