Saturday, July 2, 2016

Canyon BBQ & Zip Lining

We had a great day in the canyon today. Lots of exploring, laughing, eating and zip was AWESOME!!! Love these peeps of mine! Big shout out to Justin for doing the zip line. Jax will never be the a good way! 
Benson with his MaDeb
Xander zipping along
Lola going for it
Hails leaning back into the rush
Xander & Jax taking a break and chilling in the chairs
This babes is so loved and spoiled! 
Miss Laney zip, zip, zipping
Gracie girl all smiles zipping through
Tay going fierce 
A bunch of super cute kiddos taking a break from zipping
Harper had no fear!

That's one HAPPY kiddo right there. I was alittle nervous but Jaxson had an absolute blast. He wanted to go a 1000 more times. I'm pretty sure he did sneak in there like 4 more times. :) Thank goodness his Uncle Justin is a really good sport and gladly obliged his request to go again and again. 
More of my fav peeps! 
Lincoln rocked the zip line and had the biggest smile!
JD holding the "dababy" and Max actually giving Aunt Lyss a good smile ;)
Laney and Caleb hanging out :) 
Cook and Mr. Linc! 
Benson loving his life in canyon I said he is just  little spoiled! 
Oh the faces! Love me some Barrett and Max crazy faces! 
Time to eat! 
Jax hanging with Bens
Cute Miss Harper
Cole guy going for it! 
Jax's last ride of the day! Best day for this little dare devil! 
Roasting marsh mellows to end a super fun afternoon. 
I promise I was there so a pic at the end of the adventure, in the car, will do :)

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