Saturday, May 21, 2016

Week of Tiny Moments - May 15th to the 21st

Someone is getting a little wild in his tubby.....probably getting time for the whale tubby or the big tub....ahhhh stop growing up baby! 

This boy of mine loves a binky.....yup I make binky lovers ;) 
Jumping bean &.....
the rocker! 

I love getting this sweet face in the morning! 
Oh my.....I love this hunk of chunk of love! 
Sometimes my hunk of chunk has a short fuse and gets mad at his toys. Hahaha I love this little firecracker of mine! 
I got out of the house ALL BY MYSELF today and I actually got ready for the day......two HUGE rarities in my life! It was NICE! 

I love morning cuddle and kisses with this sweet boy. 
Jax loves anything his cousins give him and today it was a little and big water balloons. He dubbed them him and his dad. ;) Love his dad! 
And this one is just happy chilling and flipping his binky.
But his brother is a little more crazy and likes to throw and kick blocks! Heaven help me! 

Love when Jon takes Jax for a haircut....So stinkin handsome! 
I finally finished someone's Paw Patrol blanket and to say someone liked it is an understatement. Love this kiddo and I love making his day :)/. 

Apparently he pees standing up now......Good job bud! (Not quite sure how he learned to do it! Haha!) However, I am not excited about the pee on the seat, the base of the toilet, the front of the toilet, the wall behind the toilet and the floor....I think it's time for the target practice. 
Jon ordered these funky chairs for his man cave a little while back (which he ended up getting for free because Best Buy decided they were to crappy to sell) and they came with these awesome packing blocks.....they have been the best toy as of late. Seriously Jaxson finds game after game after game to play with them. Love this little creative mister! 
I can't tell whether he loves or hates gnawing on apples......who knows! 
It's official, the Paw Patrol blanket tipped the scale.....he has WAY TOO MANY blankets! Everyday is a battle of, "Jax, you don't need that many blankets out."; "Go put them back in the your room"; "No you can't take them on your bike or to the park". Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
This boy has the sweetest face....that is all!!!!

A little karate from the kid....he kills me and I absolutely adore him! 
Tonight my nephew Max received his Eagle! To say I think he is amazing and am so proud of him is an understatement. He is such a great kid and it's been truly amazing to see him fight to bloom this year, which has been a very difficult year for him with the loss of his dad. It was a great night to celebrate his hard work and accomplishments and I am so grateful we were able to be apart of it. 
This little turd needs to sleep more.....that is all! 

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