Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week of Tiny Moment - 04.03 to 04.09

Nothing better in the morning than a happy, well rested baby!!!
Today was a great day for General Conference. This cute boy and I chilled and tried to listen as much as possible. Jax was being crazy in the next room ;) 
And when I say being crazy this is what I mean......Diaper wars are REAL in this house! And Jaxson doesn't mess around. As soon as a dirty diaper appears, its in his hot little hand and being thrown at myself or Jon. One of these days it's going to get really interesting when a diaper explodes! 

A little Mr. Potato action
This boy is a stinker but he is the sweetest stinker. 
Oh wait....pretty sure he was just a stinker at this point.....GO TO FREAKIN' BED! 

Love going to the park with this sweet adventurer! He has gotten so confident and adventurous at the park. He is also always on the look out for new friends when we get there. Today there was NO ONE there and he kept asking where all the kids were. How is my kiddo so social!?!? (Did not learn it from me!!!!) 

Today we met up with cousins and headed to Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Curiosity. It was a whirlwind of fun and we are always grateful to spend time with our peeps. 

Oh how this boy likes to cruise! Love a beautiful spring day!

Whenever people tell me they have never seen Benson grumpy.....I think of moments like this and think they are crazy! I'm glad Benson is good at faking it in public, ha! 
If there was one way (besides food) to cheer this babes up when he is grumpy it would be a tubby time. He seriously will be in the worst mood and as soon as he gets in the tubby he's the happiest ever! 

Jaxson loves to make "his cookies". And when I say make the cookies, I mean eat the cinnamon sugar mix. "His" cookies are really just a dairy and egg free snicker doodle but in his mind they are HIS cookies. Thankfully he is a good sharer and sweet helper even when he is trying to down all the cinnamon sugar in the house! 

Oh how we love guy's night in this house. Jaxson pretty much asks for guy's night daily and when we plan one it's the highlight on his week or month depending on long it's been. He adores the Watson's boys and truly considers them like brothers. I am super grateful for the Watson boys because they are extremely loving and fun with Jax and great listeners and sweethearts all around! 
Stop it! Could the three of them be cuter and Jax be anymore spoiled?!?
Wants to be just like his boys!
This one hung out with momma a lot this guy's night. His time will come to joint the fun before he knows it. :) 
Spending time with mom included a nap in her bed! Lucky mister :) 

This sweet boy is quite the little lush. He doesn't like tummy time or sitting practice. But this morning I had him work on his sitting and.....
He tried to make it into laying down time. 
Ultimately his protest turned into...
Him falling asleep :) This kiddo kills me!
This is what bubba and I do in the car when it's pouring down rain and Benson needs to nurse after errands. I love my little mister Jax. He is a party where ever he goes!!!! :) 

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