Saturday, May 25, 2013

Midway BBQ

The Johnson family invited up the fam for a BBQ in their newly finished backyard. So we all headed up, minus Lucas and Jon. I always miss Jon at family parties because I just love him and Jax tends to be a handful! It's nice to have a hand off partner so I can EAT! My family is always really good to try and take Jax but he is going through a major separation anxiety stage so he wouldn't go to anyone without screaming bloody fun ;)! But regardless the afternoon was really fun. :) 
MaDeb trying to convince cute LoBug to take a picture. She was a no go but Max decided to get in on the picture action :). 
Jaxson was in heaven. He found Cole guy's bubble car and thought it was AMAZING! I might be making a bubble car purchase soon ;) 
Jax also thought Maxer was pretty amazing. He pretty much always thinks Max is amazing. :) 
Some of the party animals, Mom & Cook and JD & Hails.
More of the party animals. Ross & Rick in the upper left (I swear I gave them time to chew and swallow...oh wait maybe I didn't...ha! :). Timmers & Bon in the upper them! And then more the crazy crew in the bottom pic. :) 
It was little windy, so some of the littles escaped inside to play! :) 
Gracer & Tay Tay :) 
Cook, Hails, Jen & Harper girl! :) 
Harper, Max & (crap I think it's Barrett, or Xander or Barrett, or Xander....crap! I can always tell them apart except from the back when I can't see their necks! And this is the only picture of the "twins"...the stinkers ran from my camera!) and Cole guy rocking the bubble car. 
Hod podge collage :) 

Thanks to Jen and Ross for a great afternoon! Your yard looks great! :) 

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