Monday, September 16, 2019

Day One of Disneyland

 ***Disclaimer: Day one photos of Disneyland will be the best because I backed up these photos online while we were in California. The rest of the photos were stored on a hard drive that crashed a few months after our trip. Seriously the saddest thing ever but I am so grateful for these photos and the iPhone photos taken on the other days. It was such a magical trip! I love the way photos capture memories and I was heart broken when the drive crashed. Fingers crossed one we can get the drive repaired with new technology and LOWER pricing! Ouch!

Disneyland was a blast! I loved this trip more than the one we took a year and half ago because I wasn't constantly nursing, napping, or rocking an infant. I  could actually ride some rides with the boys! Jon liked this trip less than the first because toddlers can be little jerk faces when they are overstimulated and over tired! I fully expected the meltdowns! Ha! So I remained pretty unfazed! All and all I would say we ALL had a great trip! Here's to next time when the kiddos are all a little bit older! 

(West going to give the Disneyland photographer a high five ;))
All ready for day 2!

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