Saturday, July 30, 2016

Week of Tiny Moments - July 24th to the 30th

This kiddo is one funky monkey and I LOVE it! 
Benson is not a big cuddler but every once in a while he gives a sweet little love. 

Love spending one on one time with my bubs even if it's just a quick trip to the store :) He makes everything an adventure and more fun! 
Love pool time with my peeps :) 

"Because I'm Happy!"
Even babies get swass ;)  Hahaha
My little Lego creator! I love watching him 
A morning on play because that's how we roll! 

Today we hit up Thanksgiving Point with some of our favorite peeps! Needless to say all the kids had an awesome time! 

Someone spent the morning coloring :) Love that he got all the character colors right. He loves him some Inside Out. 
Morning of heart melting ;) 
Jaxson really wanted to earn a certain toy he found at the store. Jon told him if he did a few extra chores, including washing my car, he could. Bens and I decided to watch the fun because washing the car never stops at just washing the car ;).
Someone loves being a big boy in his whale tubby.......
This one loves a colored tub.....every time!!!!

Gotta love when Silk Almond milk changes their packaging and your kid is convinced it's not the same milk and goes into break down mode. After a lot of convincing he finally believed that I wasn't selling him a bundle of lies and it was the same milk. Love this kid! 
Bens getting his play on in his favorite outfit ;) 
Today was our Ward's Primary summer activity. They had a HUGE slip 'n slide and Jax was in heaven!!!! Needless to say I had to get out of my comfort zone to go and actually talk to people in my ward outside of Sunday church....never an easy thing for me! But I will pretty much do anything to put a smile on this kid's face and today his smile was priceless!!!!!
After the ward activity and nap time for Bens we headed to Auntie's pool with cousins.
It was not mister's best day. He seemed pretty tired but he perked up at the end of swimming and a happy clam on the way home! 

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