Wednesday, October 30, 2013


So about a month or two ago, my sister Shauna showed me this picture ( and asked if I could make it for the upcoming family haunted house. I laughed and told her she was crazy!!!! crazy, crazy! The picture was of a professional prop. I tend to lean towards the creative but this lady has some making a professionally made prop. Hesitantly I agreed to make the spooky pumpkin head, letting her know it would look like a kindergartner made it! ;) So I set out to make my "prop" and here is the progression.

Day 1 of Carl...(I wish I would have taken a picture before I started cutting his eyes and teeth). It was cutting, duct tape and paper mache. Can I say that paper mache is so very messy and sticky! 
Day 2 & 3.....lots and lots and lots of duct tape and a little but of cardboard and newspaper to give the pumpkin a top to his head. 
Day 4......Hands and a rib cage. Lots of newspaper, wire coat hangers and masking tape....lots of masking tape!
Day 5 & 6......corpsing....lots of paper towels and paper mache sticky!!!! And this is the night we named him Carl. Jax actually named him (I think he was saying car....oh well! We decided to name him Carl after the Walking Dead) and he started growling at him. 
Jax was so not afraid of the pumpkin head. He was growling at but of course stopped when I got the camera out :) 
Day 7......head painting. I actually really liked painting even though I was super nervous to start. But I definitely liked it a lot more by the end.
Day 8....bone painting ;) Spray painting and a little dry brush painting.
Day 9.....body construction and fabric placement. Definitely my least favorite part of this project and something I want to adjust for next year. 
Carl's big debut in the Haunted House!!! :) 
At the end of the day, even though I cursed most nights working on Carl, I enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone. ;) Until next year Carl :)

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